Let's help each other develop  New Capacities for Action 

Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.

Peter Senge



The Knowledge Box - SendoAgil Blog


Imaginemos una Silla

Imaginemos una silla. ¿De qué color es? Porque la que yo estoy imaginando es blanca, de madera y con un estilo retrofuturista, sin descansabrazos. ¿Es la misma silla que imaginaste tú? Las matemáticas dicen que no.

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Let's imagine a Chair

Let's imagine a chair. What color is it? Because the one I'm imagining is white, wooden and retro-futuristic in style, with no armrests. Is it the same chair you imagined? The math says no. And this is very important to understand.

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The Pepsi Paradox

A few decades ago, Pepsi executives conducted a macro market study called "The Pepsi Challenge", which consisted of offering people to drink two cola drinks in two identical glasses, with no way to identify the brand. One was, of course, Pepsi. The other was Coca-Cola.

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Communicating what really matters

When I was a child, my mother constantly told me that "people understand each other by talking," and I believed her. With years of experience, I have learned that she was right, but it was a partial reason. In order to speak (meaning: communicate) we need to have several things first:

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Decisions Making Cycle

Let's talk about the myth of the hero. Our popular culture is full of them: from the classic mythological heroes such as Achilles, Hercules or Gilgamesh, through the builders of nations such as Julius Caesar, Simon Bolívar, Alexander the Great, Kailil Balam, Joan of Arc or Bochica.

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Ciclo de Toma de Decisiones

Hablemos del mito del héroe. Nuestra cultura popular está llena de ellos: desde los clásicos héroes mitológicos como Aquiles, Hércules o Gilgamesh, pasando por los constructores de naciones como Julio César, Simón Bolivar, Alejandro Magno, Kailil Balam, Juana de Arco o Bochica.

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SendoAgil is committed into creating a community based on open collaboration with sharing of knowledge and practical experiences.

Eric A. Adames - SendoAgil Founder & CEO 

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